How to register eAuction
  • Select your property
  • Fill in your details and upload your I.C
  • Upload your Payment Slip
  • Read and understand the Terms and Conditions stipulated in the POS and COS
  • Click the Checkbox to agree with the Terms and Conditions
  • Wait the confirmation message via email and SMS
  • Upon confirmation an auction code and bidding link will be send to you via email and SMS
On eauction day
  • On auction day, please be on standby mode and ensure that all your devices and internet connections are at its BEST
  • One hour before auction start, you will receive a reminder of the auction code with link
  • Wait for the auction to start
During eauction
  • After the link is clicked. "STANDBY" display will appear
  • Click on the PLACE BID button to raise your bidding amount
  • After 3 count downs calling "First Calling", "Second Calling" and "Final Call", eauction will announce the highest and the screen will show "SOLD""
  • The screen will show result of the winner
  • Win or Lose, please contact Admin for further action

eAuction Terms & Condition

Please read this Terms & Condition before proceed with our eAuction

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